Schriftzug: Fachbereich Mathematik 
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Hamburger Beiträge zur Angewandten Mathematik

Archiv (1987-2006), Reihe F: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Data Analysis

21. Delia Teleaga and Jens Struckmeier
A Finite-Volume Particle Method for Conservation Laws on Moving Domains
20. I. Teleaga, M. Seaïd, I. Gasser, A. Klar, J. Struckmeier
Radiation Models for Thermal Flows at Low Mach Number
19. Ingenuin Gasser, Jens Struckmeier and Ioan Teleaga
Modeling and Simulation of Fires in Vehicle Tunnels
18. Michael Breuss
A Theory of Imlicit Numerical Methods for Scalar Conservation Laws
17. Andreas Meister
Asymptotic Expansions and Numerical Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics
16. U. Iben, A. Berg, A. Meister, J. Schmidt
On the Simulation of Cavitation in Hydraulic Pipelines based on the Thermodynamic and Caloric Properties of Liquid and Steam.
15. A. Meister
Asymptotic based preconditioning technique for low Mach number flows.
14. M. Breuß, V. Dolejsí and A. Meister
On an adaptive method for head conduction problems with boundary layers.
13. Lars Hoffmann und Andreas Meister
Ein numerisches Verfahren zur Berechnung von Stroemungen kleiner Mach-Zahlen.
12. Bernd Fischer, Martin Ludwig and Andreas Meister
An application of the finite volume method to the thermoregulation of infants.
11. Ingo Thomas
Anisotropic Adaption and Structure Detection.
10. Andreas Meister and Christoph Vömel
Efficient Preconditioning of Linear Systems arising from the Descretization of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws.
9. Andreas Meister and Jürgen Witzel
Krylov Subspace Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics.
8. Thorsten Grahs, Andreas Meister, Thomas Sonar
Image Processing for Numerical Approximations of Conservation Laws: Nonlinear anisotropic artificial dissipation.
7. Andreas Meister
Asymptotic Single and Multiple Scale Expansions in the Low Mach Number Limit.
6. Thorsten Grahs
Fourier-Analyse aus Mittelwerten auf unstrukturierten Gittern.
5. Oliver Friedrich, Friederike Schröder-Pander, Thomas Sonar
Generalized Multiresolution Analysis on Unstructured Grids.
4. Andreas Meister, Thomas Sonar
Finite Volume Schemes for Compressible Fluid Flow.
3. A. Ahrend, J. Fürst, D. Hempel, Th. Sonar
On meshless collocation approximations of conservation laws.
2. Thomas Sonar
Neue Besen aus alten Zöpfen? - Zur Entwicklung moderner Methoden aus klassischen Ansätzen -.
1. Andreas Meister
Zur mathematischen Fundierung einer Mehrskalenanalyse der Euler-Gleichungen.

  Seitenanfang  Impressum 2008-01-15, Preprint-Administration