Hamburger Beiträge zur Angewandten Mathematik
Archiv (1987-2006), Reihe F: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Data Analysis
- 21. Delia Teleaga and Jens Struckmeier
- A Finite-Volume Particle Method for Conservation Laws on Moving Domains
- 20. I. Teleaga, M. Seaïd, I. Gasser, A. Klar, J. Struckmeier
- Radiation Models for Thermal Flows at Low Mach Number
- 19. Ingenuin Gasser, Jens Struckmeier and Ioan Teleaga
- Modeling and Simulation of Fires in Vehicle Tunnels
- 18. Michael Breuss
- A Theory of Imlicit Numerical Methods for Scalar Conservation Laws
- 17. Andreas Meister
- Asymptotic Expansions and Numerical Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics
- 16. U. Iben, A. Berg, A. Meister, J. Schmidt
- On the Simulation of Cavitation in Hydraulic
Pipelines based on the Thermodynamic and Caloric Properties
of Liquid and Steam.
- 15. A. Meister
- Asymptotic based preconditioning technique for low Mach number flows.
- 14. M. Breuß, V. Dolejsí and A. Meister
- On an adaptive method for head conduction problems with
boundary layers.
- 13. Lars Hoffmann und Andreas Meister
- Ein numerisches Verfahren zur Berechnung
von Stroemungen kleiner Mach-Zahlen.
- 12. Bernd Fischer, Martin Ludwig and Andreas Meister
- An application of the finite volume method
to the thermoregulation of infants.
- 11. Ingo Thomas
- Anisotropic Adaption and Structure Detection.
- 10. Andreas Meister and Christoph Vömel
- Efficient Preconditioning of Linear Systems arising
from the Descretization of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws.
- 9. Andreas Meister and Jürgen Witzel
- Krylov Subspace Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- 8. Thorsten Grahs, Andreas Meister, Thomas Sonar
- Image Processing for Numerical Approximations of
Conservation Laws: Nonlinear anisotropic artificial dissipation.
- 7. Andreas Meister
- Asymptotic Single and Multiple Scale Expansions in the Low Mach Number Limit.
- 6. Thorsten Grahs
- Fourier-Analyse aus Mittelwerten auf unstrukturierten Gittern.
- 5. Oliver Friedrich, Friederike Schröder-Pander, Thomas Sonar
- Generalized Multiresolution Analysis on Unstructured Grids.
- 4. Andreas Meister, Thomas Sonar
- Finite Volume Schemes for Compressible Fluid Flow.
- 3. A. Ahrend, J. Fürst, D. Hempel, Th. Sonar
- On meshless collocation approximations of conservation laws.
- 2. Thomas Sonar
- Neue Besen aus alten Zöpfen?
- Zur Entwicklung moderner Methoden aus klassischen Ansätzen -.
- 1. Andreas Meister
- Zur mathematischen Fundierung einer Mehrskalenanalyse der Euler-Gleichungen.